Aug 17, 2018 11:51
I have left my mark on Interlochen, so to speak. I have a roll of hockey* tape in my case (doesn't everyone?), and there was a problem with the mute pedal on the chimes. LH was going to fix it with a bandaid, but hockey tape works better. The percussion coach approved, and said it was likely that the repair would stay until the tape failed and they needed to fix it properly. :)
They told us that the first rehearsal would start at 4pm, and that the setup should be done by 3:30 or so. I wandered in to the rehearsal space at 3:40, and the set up wasn't even started, and the crew who was in charge of it wasn't there yet. The only Interlochen people there were the librarians, both of whom are predominately orchestra people and thus unfamiliar with wind symphony set up. So I helped them put together a workable set up. Sigh -- even on vacation I can't get away from setup duties.
Friday night was an open night, with nothing scheduled. I didn't feel like going to a fancy restaurant for dinner with the usual gang. So I wandered in to Traverse City for the Friday night street festival. Whitefish tacos for the win (and dessert from the samples at cherry republic :) ).
* yes, I know the canonical techie tape is duct tape, but hockey tape (aka athletic tape, be sure to get the good stuff) removes much better, and IME sticks better to small diameter/highly polished things.
competency is its own punishment,