welcome to September.

Sep 28, 2017 11:53

Tuesday it was 90F. Today (Thursday), I'm seriously contemplating turning the heat on, as it's 63F inside, and not even 60F outside. As you might expect, I'm stiff and creaky today -- my back does not like rapid temperature changes like that.

The fact that I spent yesterday afternoon/evening on my feet outside probably is adding to the creaky. Yesterday was the Marching Band Exhibition at the HS, and despite the fact that my youngest graduated 3 years ago, I'm still helping. I like doing it! There was one new band, which hadn't ever been to the Exhibition before, and one which hadn't been for a few years - I'd need to check the programs to be sure. There were a couple of bands that were a little shaky on their drill, but in general they were all pretty good. Chelsea is better than they've been in a few years (and lotsa(7) sousaphones!) There is one band that still marches block-style (sharp turns, modified high step), but the rest have all gone to the corps style (fluid lines, roll step) of marching, at least for their halftime shows (corps style is easier to get 'passable', but it's just as hard to get good at). I was chatting with band directors as they came by, and a few of them said that they did last Friday's halftime show in summer uniforms (tshirt/polo and shorts) because it was 85+F at gametime. Bands ranged in size from 18 to 240, but larger didn't always mean better. Eastern was competent, but they were doing bits from a new show that they hadn't polished yet, so that's to be expected.

There's an FCB outreach on Sunday afternoon. It's supposed to warm up, which is good -- I don't do outdoor gigs when the temperature is under 60F. Neither Esme nor I play well when it's chilly.

I have lots of gardening (cutting back, mostly) to do.

weather, natter

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