Why did I do it? And yet, I kinda like it...

Jan 05, 2010 06:34

So I went a bit crazy the week of Christmas and bought myself a Christmas present. A big-ass TV. OK, in today's scale of big-assedness it doesn't reach record proportions at "only" 37 inches, but it seems huge to me.

I bought it in part likely due to my insatiable jealousy of others with cool toys. A co-worker just bought a new big TV and I think I was all jealous. Despite the fact that I do have a pretty big TV in the living room.

But my current living room TV is a rear-projection, and is experiencing some convergence issues, and I fear it may go out, and according to Dr Google, cost something like $400 to fix. Plus it's rear projection - that's old tech! I'm not an old-tech kind of gal, right?

I also kind of envisioned my home like one of those showplaces where everything looks good and the flat TVs are all non-chalantly affixed to the walls and are completely cord-free. Of course in reality, that's not gonna happen...

So in my jealousy and fear I ordered a new TV right after Christmas. It arrived yesterday and I unboxed it, amazed at its largeness, and then really had no idea what to do with it. I had thought I'd put it in the bedroom, which I did do, but it really is ridiculously large for the room.

Just another nod to my inability to restrain myself, as well as television addiction.

At least I hope this will prompt me to finally get rid of the two old "tube" TVs that I have and don't use and are just gathering dust...

I suppose if/when the rear projection goes, it'll go in the living room and I'll feel less freakish about it. Although then I might be addicted to bedroom TV and need to buy another one!

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