Well it's almost here and I'm afraid things have been so hectic and funds so tight this year that I have found myself wishing that Christmas and indeed this year were over already. I've been a bit in the mood of Scrooge I'm afraid tho I am trying to make everything as perfect I can for Stephen he is LOVING IT at least and that does make me happy. We decorated the Christmas tree got a new one this year because our other one had had it. Scott said it's time for a new tree as this one is starting to resemble Charlie Brown's tree LOL! Soooo new tree is up and shiny twinkly over there and I have to say we had a ball putting it up and decorating it. So that did help my Scrooge mood a bit. And surprisingly our kitty's haven't knocked it down yet! LOL tho they have knocked some of the ornaments off they were having a few balls with it literally huh ok sad attempt at humor forgive me.
So to all my friend I wish you all a VERY VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! AND A Happy and Safe New Year to you all.
I have sent everyone an ecard for this Christmas saving on postage I'm afraid so forgive me fruggleness this year!
(these aren't our kitties but they wouldn't sit still with the hats on but ain't they cute!)