Mar 21, 2006 23:21
So i had proll 1 of tha best weekends of my life this weekend...lemme break it down:
~DKM on ST Paddys Day
~Seeing my fave bro TJ
~My kewl flashy ring thing frommrs.hurrie lolz
~pounding rum on tha train
~sharing tha rum in a circle with tj derek and ryan
~meeting up with becky and katie
~Becky Katie and me trying all night for peeps to buy us beer
~Some GIRL buying us beer
~Making new friends
~Telling people it was beckys birthday
~Me aand Katie becoming inst-best friends
~Becky leaving us.."for free beer"
~Becky on tha bah
~Tha Navy GUy
~Crazy people outside
~buddy system
~Crazy WOmen and girl who sings dirty glass being our new best friends
~Me dancing on stage to kiss me im shitfaced..while katie wasnt allowed lolz
~being drunk on tha train
~boobs for booze
~~pissah ass night with all
~St Paddys Day Parade in southie
~Me and becky not being able to go 5 feet w/o seeing osme1 we knew
~All tha free booze and food
~Men in kilts
~Men in uniform
~DKM twice
~Traveling the parade route...backwards 4 times
~crazy homless guy walking in tha parade
~Crazy old lady
~i can only take 5...i have arthritis
~pounding beer on tha train
~again me and becky main too many friends
~haha sucha pissah weekend cant xplain!! becky i luv u