May 31, 2005 23:18
Well i once again decided to conform to this whole live journal thingy...kill me why dont ya. So yeah this is summa....but if you ah from around these pahts you know that its not acting like summah at all...the fact im wearing a sweatshirt and freezing while its raining out sucks. My's hell actually freezing ovah due to the red sox winning tha world series finally...hell if thats tha case then im not bitching!!! lolz. This "summah" has been ehk. lolz new word i think i just made up! I miss Salem State peeps soooo much!!!! I luv them so much i am so glad to have met the people that i have!! But of course you cant forget about old friends!!! I have been having an absolute blast this summah with Scott Bobby Sullay and Martin. Those ah true friends right theah! Weve already had some drunken debochery like Sullays house hahaha i am your wingman! hahahah and thats why i luv u! Scott puking in my toilet then dorking his face off it while Bobby is nuts hahahaha and watching Team America like 456 tiumes with MArtin! hahaha. Linds and I have been having usual times togetha....times that would scare most sane peeps!!! All in all its been fun so fah..only to get bettah with age! Of course tho most of my time is being spent at tha wonderful world of walgreens....its kind of a second home to me being sent off to plymouth to set up the new store theah and kind of flattered that he sent me to represent our fine establishment! lolz. wellz for now im going to bed because i actaully have a day off 2morra...1st time since going to north carolina....thats a subj to have its own blog to!! haha nitey nite kisses!!
"The only thing a girl should chase is a shot"