It's that time again! Yep, the leaves begin to change and fall and so does my normal bubbly mood. Fall in Amherst is beautiful, don't get me wrong... but what is it about fall that just makes everyone a little more miserable than they are during the summer? Beats me. Probably my job and having homework. But alas, here I am embarking on my LiveJournal seasonal journey once again ha.
So what's new and sucky that wasn't last fall? hmm... let's see. This year is actually AMAZING. It's senior year, I have 3 awesome roommates (and by 3 I really mean about 20! tbc), I love my classes (especially Italian and Neuroscience) anddd I've been hitting the gym like it's my job.
Speaking of jobs, as of November 9th, mine will be 86'd. Ha yes I did intend that waitressing pun. November 9th, the Lord Jeffrey Inn will be closing for TWO YEARS worth of renovations! WHAT???? Thank you Amherst College for putting me out of a job. As if it's not stressful enough having to start the whole "job hunt" scene all over again, NO ONE IS HIRINGGGGGGGG thanks to our ridiculous economy. Great. Don't worry Amherst College, I don't have bills to pay.
Enough of that crap. Back to my living situation: yes, I live with 3 guys, and no, I am not crazy. Living with guys is amazing. Oh I need a 200 pound bed carried upstairs? No problem. A guy was a dick to me? "DO YOU WANT US TO KILL HIM??? WHERE DOES HE LIVE?" I'm having a bad day? "Aw Lohmar! Come down here and watch football with us- we got you a 12 pack of Blue Moon! ;)" LOVE IT. They're kind of like the brother's I never had but always wanted. And in regards to me saying I live with 20 roommates? Well, on an average day, I do. I can wake up to find masses of people sleeping on our couches, floor, etc. on any given day. Be it Friday or just a Tuesday when someone who commutes to UMass has an early class and wanted to stay in town. It's great. Everyone from our ginormous friend group constantly hangs out at our apartment. In fact, most of them have their own keys! I couldn't have asked to a greater "family" to have formed during my college years. <3 roomies @ the jersey partayy
I went pumpkin picking yesterday! While I still hold my feelings about this activity being a cute romantic activity, how could I have forgotten how shitty it is in 90 degree sun and carrying a pumpkin back to some tractor that weighs half as much as I do?? haha We're going to carve them next weekend. Woop!
I miss my gal pals back home. I can't wait for Thanksgiving and being reunited!
Oh. And my laptop is "infected with spyware!" WHAT? I don't even know what that means or how to get rid of it but I swear I wasn't downloading porn! haha Why are antivirus softwares so expensive!
Ok I really should go work on the tons and tons of homework I have to finish today. Love long weekends, hate the homework! Ciao!
Ps- I must brag. ha Went to the BoysLikeGirls show in Northampton last weekend and definitely hooked up with the lead singer again<3 Ohhhh to be young and starstruck ;) ok ok I'm done! :-X and i