What a busy weekend for me.
Friday evening was the Relay for Life. I met Jen there just before 6 and she kept me company until about 9. Then Arnold and Tai showed up. Then Ange and Chris, then Nick, then Melissa and Amanda. Oh, my aunt and uncle and cousin also came. I was so happy everyone came out for me. I didn't actually start my walking until after midnight. I had such a great time. It's an amazing feeling to be part of this. I raised $505 in addition to the $200 I donated myself. Oshawa's total was $500,000. Last year Oshawa was the top fundraiser. I actually stayed up the whole 12 hours without the aid of caffeine. I started getting tired around 4am and felt like I was a zombie walking the track.
Pictures of the eventI already started my own team for next year too which I am really excited about.
Knock Out CancerSo, I got home around 7:30am Saturday and slept until just after 2pm. I took my time getting ready to go out to the Brooklin fair. Arnold and I met some friends there with their new baby, then went to the demolition derby for 8. I wasn't happy we had to stand because all the bleachers were full, and I started feeling sick from lack of sleep and proper nutrition. (I was very disappointed in the onion rings I got there. Just thinking about them now makes me feel nausous) We left the fair at 9. I had fun though. I brought my camera but forgot the extra batteries in the car so I could only take a couple pictures. My digital camera makes me mad, so I'm gonna start looking for a new one. I think I want a step down from an SLR. Something that will take better pictures than a 'point and shoot.' Arnold's aunt is a photographer so I'm gonna email her about what to look for.
So today we had to go to Mississauga for my cousins bridal shower. I actually had a better time than I thought. It was nice to spend some time with that side of the family. Just hang out with my cousins for a couple hours.