OK, so I know I have a weird sense of humour. I can laugh about strange stuff, death & whatever.
But this? Is not funny. Not in the least bit.
Please, don't watch it if you're sensitive towards violence against women. It's really...sickening.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKF8E9n1qkA This isn't about race, it's not about the abortion issue. This is a video that shows how cool it is to get a guy to beat up your pregnant girlfriend until she loses the baby.
I don't see how this can be funny or OK in ANY CASE?! It doesn't matter if they're black, white, chinese or whatever. It doesn't matter if you're pro or anti-abortion, because if you have a brain and a heart, this will surely make you cringe. And if it doesn't, if anyone truly thinks that this is funny? Ugh, I have no words for you...
Also: this LJ rules