(no subject)

Aug 30, 2008 13:42

I'm the happiest I have been in a long time.
I am back in school. It was time. It's just weird how fast nine months flew by. I'm taking four classes and I'm really excited about my Sign Language class.
Family; my mother and I are incredibly close [total 180 from a year ago lmao]. I talk to her nearly every day. I really miss her and my stepdad and brother and DOGS!
My dad is still my rock. He brings this weird sense of calm to my life, I don't know what I'd do without him. It's odd, there's this rift developing between me and my stepmom. It's not a good thing or bad thing; it's just becoming more obvious to me that she won't be the confidante I was hoping she would be. My little sister however is quickly turning into my best friend.
Friends; I'm a nerd and hang out with work people. I quit Walgreens, I couldn't handle working two jobs full time and going to school full time. Best decision I've made in a while. I'm still at Starbucks, it will be a year there next week (where did that year GO?!)and I love it. I love the people I work with and I have so much fun at work.
I have a lot less stress in my life and now I'm kinda dating my ex-manager Rob. He's 22, 6'5, really cute and really smart. And treats me like a princess. It's a really nice change from my ex Nick. The only problem is I'm so used to Nick being Mr. Undependable and basically just using me that it's hard to get used to the fact that Rob is genuinely a really nice guy.
It's weird how much life changes once you get out of high school. I really miss the days of skipping first period to go to breakfast with all the girls. And off roading in my Jurassic Park car to get out of 7th period with marissa and kaitlyn. and going out with amanda on weekends.
Florida people, I'm really sad that Ive basically lost touch with most of you. I'm still really close to Mara Burger.And Brandon Cole.Ilove him to death lol. And Phil...I swear I'm gonna marry him one day. I talk to amanda every now and then. But my mustard, i miss you so much.

anyways. love you andmiss you all.
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