Twelve months (and a bit...)

Dec 10, 2008 20:07

SuperXan had his 12 month wellbaby visit today.

The good:
He is precocious in his mental development. The doctor is thrilled.

The not-so-good:
He is only 19# 7.5 oz, actually down two ounces from a couple weeks ago when he had his second ear infection. He is also only 28" tall. He's dropped from the 75th percentile to the 3rd percentile in height and from 25th to 3rd in weight. The doctor didn't quite say "failure to thrive" but almost - "we only start to worry when they cross a weight category or two. He's crossed several in both height and weight." We drew more blood (I almost got into a smackdown with the phlebotomist over whether or not I was restraining my baby. I restrain living things for a living dammit! If I say I've got a good enough hold that he's not going to move, he not going to freaking move!) and collected urine and we're going to check liver, thyroid, and electrolytes and see what's what.

He was very brave.

And, of course, new pictures of the Little Man (pardon the red-eye - the holidays, etc. interfere with image adjustment, around here...). With a super-duper surprise from jkg_vader! Thanks, sweetie! :)

Man's gotta accessorize!

'Sup, homies?

I call this my Grr-Argh! smile!


I can haz snows pleez?

Enough snows, kthxbai!

Can't have just one hat...

The view from the back door...

And Xander discourses upon it...

Xander's cousin, Mirabelle

All bundled up!

Xanderhand cookies (gingerbread) - before and after baking.

For me?

For me!

Tear paper!!


Ooh! A hammer!

Serious business, this hammering...

Explaining to the cats...

Muahahaha! The world, I must rule it!

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