Jul 23, 2006 22:00
I feel the need to express my absence of specific emotion lately. I have been feeling a very strong, happy, exciting, and yet laidback vibe...probably from the hope of good things happening in the near future. In addition, I'm glad everyone seems to be having fun this summer. I would say I wish I was hanging out with people everyday, all the time, except that I don't wish that. I've been having such good time relaxing and being alone, two things I had way too little of during school. I miss seeing everyone everyday, but the break has been rewarding in ways. Don't feel bad if you feel like I'm ignoring you...I'm kind of not talking to hardly anyone and haven't been for a while. But now that a month of summer has passed and my book for school is read (though the project is still in progress), I am more likely to be contacting people to hang out. I miss you all very much. and I can't wait to be seniors with most of you next year...