Sep 12, 2005 23:22
I'm so sleepy! I got about three hours of sleep on friday night and haven't caught up yet. This weekend was good. Firday El and I hung out with Jones, Reg, and Spence, at our house which was entertaining and then Saturday my dad picked me up at 8 and I went with him, Jackie, and Doc to Louisa to see my g-parents and go to septemberfest. It was fun. My gran and I hung out all Saturday night backstage at the concert they have at the festival. I got to meet Hot Apple Pie, who you probably haven't heard of unless you listen to country music. That was neat. It was fun to hang out with my gran. It's rarely just me and her, and I don't see her near as much as I used to three years ago when I was down there all the time to see Case. So we had a lot of fun and thenext day I went over to her house for lunch and she and my uncle vince gave me all kinds of food to take back here, fried chicken breasts, salmon patties, mashed potatos, green beans, macaroni and cheese, crepes, and strawberry sauce! Yum! they are so good and it is great not to be having pasta every ngiht like I was last week! This weekend I'm going home and I can't wait. I love it down here, but it gets boring during the day and Ican;t wait to see Mike!! Two weeks is a long time! I get to see my mommy too! Hopefully it will be fun. I want to get to see Laura, Lenise, and Megan too. I hear Lenise might be getting engaged soon which is soooo exciting! Doc is down here in Lex with me this week which is great! I love having him here! I miss him so much when I'm gone! I really am excited about getting home cause I think after this weekend it might be three until i'm back again because next weekend is a uk home game and then the following i am going to bowling green with el. I really miss seeing my mom and Mike all the time though. I hate being away from them. Well I need to go take Doc outside before bed! Night everyone!