Dear Population of the Earth,
I'm going to teach you a brand new word. (Tremble in awe now.)
"To pay due attention to and refrain from violating something."
See also the
Wikipedia article on the matter.
Respect. It's an important thing, but it is something we're critically short of here on our planet.
We violate Mother Nature, we rape her over and over. And those who oppose this violation, well, they get screwed over too.
We violate other human beings - and I'm not even talking about prostitution, slave labour, economic corruption or starvation here. This violation is actually condoned by society - the violation of people's views, beliefs, sexuality, choices, utter essence and soul.
I say: fuck that.
STOP telling me what I should believe.
STOP telling me what I should feel.
STOP telling me what I should do with my life.
STOP planning my life for me.
STOP poking holes in the beliefs which keep my life together.
Respect me. Respect that gay guy who holds his boyfriend's hand in town. Respect that woman who chooses not to have kids. Respect that girl who wears her burka with pride. Respect that Pagan praying to their gods and goddesses. Respect that young boy who thinks love is eternal. Respect that old woman who shares her advice. Respect the boyfriend who stood by his girlfriend when she wanted an abortion. Respect them all.