Friday 5

Jun 29, 2007 23:36

The ordinary Friday 5:

What was the best gift you received?
Gosh, I've gotten so many ones that rocked my world. :) It's pretty much impossible to say!

What was the worst gift you received?
A glass bottle with a letter inside, for my birthday. It wasn't even wrapped. *lol* I love letters, but it just reeked of "I forgot all about you and threw this together 5 mins ago".

What gift did you wish for, but never got?
I don't dwell on that stuff. :)

What was the best present you gave?
Personalized candle holders for Linnéa - they rocked. And she loved 'em.

What was the worst present you gave?
Probably a horribly failed attempt at collage art in an ugly frame, that poor Robert got.
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