Friends only.

Jul 05, 2026 19:40

Greetings! This is the journal of Jenny. Some of you may know me as something else entirely, such as Temwaenbast or Nimthîriel. Rest assured, we're all the same person. Back to business:

This journal is mostly FRIENDS ONLY.

That means that I have to add you to my list of friends, in order for you to access my entries. :) Leave a comment on this entry to (possibly) be added. Tell me who you are, and where I may know you from.

I have several filters in place, so that you don't have to put up with certain things unless you want to. The filters are:
• Pagan - spiritual musings of pagan nature
• Kemetic - spiritual musings concerning kemetic (ancient Egyptian) religion, mythology and practice
• GLBT - entries concerning gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues
• TMI - too much information, oversharing, sex and weird thoughts
• Smellies - talk and reviews of perfume such as BPAL imps etc.

Please state which, if any, filter you'd like to be on. :) Thank you! Have a nice day.
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