May 04, 2008 19:56
Birthday is in 5.5 days and I AM SO TOTALLY STOKED NOW! Here's why - my mom (!!!!) just gave me my main gift (!!!!!!!!!!!!) which I really wasn't expecting and WELLLLLLL I'm flying to New York THIS friday, seeing the broadway play GREASE friday night, and staying til Sunday! With my mom of course. I really made out this year. I think she feels really bad with all my stupid medical issues I've been dealing with. Still never figured out my stomach problems. The last 2 doctors including the gastro all recommended I have a colonoscapy (ew, I know) and since I'm clearly not up for that, I'm giving it the summer to see if it got better for a few, seems to be acting up again past week or so. There's really no rhyme or reason to it which sucks because I can't pin point it to anything. whatever. I'm just one big medical mystery. I always liked mysteries...
Anyway, I just wanted to brag and somehow my bragging turned into a medical rant SO, I'll stop while I'm ahead and go get ready to hang out with my buddy Jen.
! :o)