Sep 18, 2007 18:40
I love Senora more and more everyday. Each and everyday, she gives me another reason to love her and really I don’t know how anyone else could possible fill her shoes. The other day, it was Sunday, and there wasn’t too much going on. Sundays, are a little boring sometimes, just time to relax and do a lot of nothing. But anyway, she asked me after lunch what I was going to do the rest of the afternoon. I told her I didn’t really know. I would probably just finish up some homework, and chill out. I happened to mention that I would probably have a coffee a little later on. Well anyway, later on she was going up to the roof to do some laundry and on her way she stops by my room with a tray with the coffee, cinnanmon, sugar, and 2 different kind of milks because she didn’t know which one I would want to use, I use both at different times. I was there sitting in my bed and she brings me coffee in bed. She was like coffee for the queen. She really did say that, I am not making it up. She was like I want you to feel like a queen. She is always offering me stuff like that. She pretty much refuses to let me leave the house without taking something to eat with me just in case. And she is like whenever you want to go to the grocery store and buy whatever you want to eat just tell me and I will give you some money. And the other day, I mentioned that I kinda need to get my hair cut and she was like whenever you want to go, just let me know and I will take you. I swear she is the best. And then this morning, I had a presentation today, and it is kinda time to do laundry, so anyway, I was wearing a skirt, and this morning, she was like, I like it when you wear skirts because you have such nice legs. They are so nice and formed and everything. I was just like wow, thanks. She is always giving us these little complements. I love it. What a self esteem booster. She is such a good Mexican mom. This is kinda what Mexican moms are known for, babying their children. Well, it happens more with their boy children, but with her, she is all about being the best possible with all her “children.” I keep joking with her that I am never going to leave, that I am just going to stay living with her. And she is like, that’s okay. You are welcome here. We will see what she thinks when I really don’t leave.
So yeah. I had my first test in Mexico on Friday. I got it back today and I made a 97, so I am pretty happy with that. Then today, I had my first presentation for my Conversation class. I am just glad that it is over. I think that it went fine. The only thing that I am worried about it if I talked enough. My partner kept asking all the questions to the class at the end, and every time I would try to say something, she had already gotten out half of her question. Every time there was a little pause I tried to hurry up and just ask a question, so some of them cam out a little confusing. Oh well. I am not too worried about it. It is over, and I don’t have to worry about it, well until the next presentation comes up anyway. Thursday, I have a presentation in history and an essay over a separate topic is also due, but I already did the essay. I wanted to get it done with, so I just went ahead and did it and turned it in today, so that I would have one less thing to worry about. The only thing I have left for this week is the presentation for history. And my group is being really crappy and not wanting to ever work on it, so I am not really sure what we are going to be doing. Every time that they have said that we will work on it, they decide they can’t because no one has information or whatever. I am getting a little frustrated. Next week we will have a literature presentation and essay, like the history, and I really want a different group. I don’t want to make anyone mad, and I like all the girls in my group, I just don’t like their work ethic. And all the groups seem to be so well formed, everyone just always works with the same people, but I think I am going to have to figure a way out to work myself into another group. I like everyone in the class, so hopefully I can join in a different group. Plus, it is just good to work with other people, not always working with the same people. We will see how it goes. I will be happy, when that is all done too, but then, it all will just start over again I guess. More tests, presentations, and essays. Ahhh, stupid school and homework.
My friend just received a package from home. Her mom sent her a bunch of stuff because apparently she was having a bad week a few weeks ago or whatever. So she just got a big package. Yeah, that is about the kind of excitement in my life. Watching someone else open a huge package. But it was good, because both me and her have had a runny nose and we have been taking turns running to find tissue, and her mom sent her a bunch of puffs, and she gave me one of the puffs packages. So that is good. But even better. I was sitting there and was like you are so lucky to be getting a package, and she said, "Oh, that's okay, you can live vicarously through me." Not even joking.
There has been some drama between a lot of the girls in the group. I really don’t know what has been going on. I am kinda the homebody of the group. I never really know what is going on, but I guess that is better than being involved in all the stupid little immature crap. And from what I can tell, it is really just immature, lots of rumors and stupid stuff. But, I am not involved in that. I really don’t have a problem with anyone here. I have made lots of friends, but I never know exactly who is on whose side of the story and stuff. So I am talking to both sides, not knowing that I am committing some crime, talking to the enemies. Oh well. Stupid crap. Really.
Not too much else to report. This weekend was independence weekend, so there was lots of stuff going on, but I really don’t feel like I got to experience it all. I went to where the grito was suppose to be, this is like the cry for independence, you know “Viva México!” Well, I went and really never heard the cry. I got to see some fireworks. And Mexican celebrate by spraying each other with this foam like stuff, so I got sprayed with that. I went with the girl that comes to help Senora with the cleaning and the cooking because she is the closest thing to like a host sister or something that I would have. She is 18. I really wanted to spend Independence Day with Mexicans, to see the real experience. We ended up going dancing. It was pretty fun, but I was tired, and it was really crowded. I kept getting stepped on, and my feet hurt from wearing heels anyway. And I had to pay for their cover charge for some reason. They had invited me, and then when we got there they didn’t have enough money, but oh well. It was fun. And that was when a lot of stuff started between the girls in the group, so I was missing the drama by being out with her and her sister rather than with my American friends, and then their Mexican friends. There was a parade on Sunday, but it was really boring. It was pretty much only school children. I mean I only saw the end of it, but still, all I saw were a bunch of little elementary school kids walking in the street. It was really boring.