An update, this one's for you, Kipling.

Jan 25, 2006 20:54

For those of you who may have noticed my absence from both real life and livejournal life, the reason I have been majorly MIA is because I have the first draft of my thesis due this Friday at 4pm.  Good God.  Despite the fact that he knows this,  jowe has nudged me to post since, frankly, it's been a while.

Life back at Vassar is good, despite the fact that most of my time is spent in my room reading and writing.  Somehow, by the grace of God, words have begun to flow for my thesis.  I'm not saying it's anything earthshattering or even good, but I will have a draft come Friday afternoon.  And really, that's a starting point.  My advisor will be honest to a fault and together we'll make it stronger.  It'll be easier to work on it this semester too, since there will be something to use as a spring board... even if I re-write the whole damn thing.  I also start my first day of classes (tomorrow, unlike most Vassarites) with a bang- Econ 100 in the morning, and MUN from 6-10, with three short essays due.  I've actually mostly enjoyed the reading we had to do over break (about Canada and Doctors without Borders- the country and NGO our delegation will be representing in April) so I think despite the long class hours and demanding work load, I'll enjoy the class. Plus I get to play with and celebrate Easter with  rattlesjc who will hopefully be with her delegation at the conference.

Being "home" is awesome too... We had a good house dinner and meeting combo tonight, and we made a few changes to our chore chart/ routine which I think will be good.  Plus, the general nesting of being back always makes me feel productive in a non-stressed way.  So I'm happy, despite having a lot to do.

Because reading about Canada and MSF (Medecins sans Frontieres/ Doctors without Borders) made me think of   la_rainette I shall leave you with this meme:
Not because you have to, but because you WANT to! Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1) Driving with music to sing along to- anywhere, for almost any purpose, or just to de-stress.  Cruising, as Gretchen might say.
2) Traveling- seeing someplace new, absorbing a new culture, even by myself makes me really happy.
3) Really. Good. Coffee.  with nothing to do while I drink it but sit and contemplate the world.
4) Getting mail from someone who was thinking of me.
5) Cooking in a kitchen that has everything you need, including someone to clean up afterwards (my daddy has spoiled me)
6) Mix CDs with no songs or artists I recognize.
7) Restaurants with really fresh, unique food.
8) Dancing to music I enjoy when I really don't care what people think of me.
9) Finishing something.  anything.  A book, a paper, a workout, cooking a meal, cleaning a room, a workout... finishing makes me feel really happy.
10) Any excuse to dress up and play with make-up  (Is it still playing at 21? Yes)
11) I know this isn't a solo activity, but I love quiet, comfortable conversations with a small group or even just one other person.
12) Watching Gilmore Girls

I know there are probably more things, but that's all I can think of for right now...

I tag:




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