You are not special.
Your children are not special. Your life partners are not special. Everyone who is born into this world must be removed from it at some point. Virginia Tech was not special. The roadside Amish shooting was not special. Jonesboro was not special. Columbine was not special. The WTC/Pentagon attacts WERE. NOT. SPECIAL.
Death happening to someone you love will happen in your life. It won't always be pleasant. Get over it. I need not talk about the events and situations that actually do merit attention--more attention than they're ever given, more attention than they will be given as long as sensationalism and this feeling of "specialness" exist in our newsmedia.
Others (and others) are writing more eloquently on the subject than I, and if you actually care about the world, on some level you are already aware of them.
Hopefully those who do care too much about these events will at least be pissed off by what I'm saying. So let me say it one more time, and then leave you with two quotes. Victims of tragedy death are not special.
"Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist death is not present, and when death is present we no longer exist." ~Epicurus
"We look at death from the selfish side, like: "That guy died. Oh, it's so sad." Why is it sad? He's away from all of this bad stuff that's here on Earth. I mean, at the worst, he's just somewhere quiet, no nothing. At best, he's an angel... or he's a spirit somewhere. What is so bad about that? " ~Tupac Shakur