It is a SATURDAY today! And this particular Saturday should be a good one hopefully. The current plan I have is to get ready in a minute, so that I can go up to the mall for my 1:30pm makeup appointment :D I had to buy makeup anyway, so I figured I might as well make an appointment for them to do my makeup for me. The way the appointment thing works goes like this:
1.) They do your makeup for you, you chose what you want them to use, or you let them pick.
2.) After they are done you have to spend $40.00 in product (or more, which is very, very easy)
So if you already planning to spend $40.00, you might as well make an appointment for them to do your makeup for you as it is essentially free. And Jenn being the clever girl she is, did just that :D I don't think I mentioned this, but I only go to
M.A.C for my makeup :) They honestly have amazing (but expensive) makeup! I also need to buy at least two brushes tomorrow, since all of mine have disappeared :( And those are crazy expensive *le sigh* I need to stop visiting their website, I just found 8 different items I want, and it would cost me at least $200.00 xD Bad Jenn! BAD!
So I get to have my appointment at 1:30, but then I have to wait at the mall till 5:00pm when my person ♥ is done so that he can drive to his house so that he can get ready for our dinner tonight :D *claps* I'm making him take me to some nice (but not crazy fancy food establishment for my *ahem* belated birthday (which was last week), as we didn't have a chance to celebrate it then. He also promised me my present today :D *claps* I am not sure, but I think his brother and his girlfriend might be joining us for dinner, because afterwards we are going to Playdium so that should be interesting.
We almost went go karting last night, but we decided not to. Instead, we ended up watching X-Men because I demanded it. It had been so long since I had seen the first one, and having seen the second one recently, and with the third coming out soon, I thought I should get acquainted with it again :) He didn't complain too much as he loves X-Men, and all things superhero-ish.
So that shall be my day! But I must get going, as I have to shower and whatnot. At least I dont have to put makeup on, since they will be doing that for me. I also have to get my father to drop me off at the mall, so I must go find him... Hopefully he isn't still in bed! Lol. *waves*
♥♥♥ for:
heartstrung ♥
br0wneyes__ ♥
imlissy ♥
shorelle ♥