I'm new at this

May 25, 2010 01:30

Well, I have never taken a self portrait...
So this was hard to figure out...
And I consulted Shannyn and she said if I was going to ever use any of the ones I took, (narrowed down to 10) that these two were the way to go. For those of you who saw my old hair, you'll notice the difference in colour and bangs, but it is dark, and my hair only looks red in the sun, so it's not good colour depiction...

Anyways these get to be some "before" shots, as I intend to get out in the sun and try to get my freckles to come out again... and I pierced my septum (FINALLY) and it was the easiest piercing of my life. I'm not even exaggerating...  I don't know why all these people I know were like "it's going to be the worst.. blah blah" got me all nervous, and then , it was like nothing. So fast, so easy, I mean, it didn't bleed or anything. So anti-climactic. Good that it was, but man, I wish people wouldn't make a big deal out of shit that is not a big deal... I was in and out in less than 10 minutes, after my shift at work, and before dinner.

Anyways, the two pictures of me taken a couple days ago are under the cut. I feel weird posting pictures of myself... so I probably won't make a habit of it. Maybe once more when I finish my hair/piercing business this summer. And tattoo pictures once I have enough money aside for that...

and I can't seem to get anywhere with the cut... so forget it...

I like this one because it doesn't feel like "I took a picture of myself" 

And Shannyn insists that this is her favorite... so I reluctantly post it as well... (because best friends generally don't lead you astray...) 

so there I am. It's as awkward to post these as I thought it would be. Ugh.. 
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