Sep 07, 2005 14:41
Today was my first day of college classes. Wow.
First, I trudged my way to Honors Calc 1. Not a bad class. Nice teacher, seemingly easy material. I have homework already, but I don't have the class again until friday and it's all precalc review type stuff.
Then I went to my political science class. Sidlow is possibly the coolest professor ever haha He is hilarious. I think I'm going to have a really good time in that class.
I discovered the little cafe in Pray-Harold afterwords and got a yummy greek salad for lunch and talked with a couple of people which was fun.
Then came doom.
I went to my spanish 122 class and I pretty much think I'm going to die. The teacher just moved here from Peru and speaks almost entirely in spanish, using way too many words that I don't know. I am so incredibly scared.
But a random nice girl pushed me back to the dorm on my way back, so that was nice.
Now I'm off to an interview for an office assistant job downstairs in about a half hour. I pray to god that I get this job... I need it like mad woah.