geez i havent updating in like forever

Feb 09, 2005 14:57

Okaay well alooot of things have happend since thursday.

So the wrestling match only took like an hr for freshman and jv cuz we hada cheer both and there was some drama involved and so megan got up and left.. yea lol and it prlly looked bad cuz we were callin each other bitches and stuff. its kinda funny now that i think about it lol

Well uhh firday was just anohter boring day at school but it was an A day and those are always fun. After school i went over to Elise's house cuz i was gna go with her to the hockey game at like 9:30.. So we hung around her house all nite and then alysia picked us up and her elise me victoria and kaite went to stake and shake and then to the rex plec to watch west play again who knows who.. but they loost i didnt realy pay attention anyways lol becuase its really hard becuase you dont know who anyone is! or at least i didnt.

Well then i came back to Elise's house and we watched tv and i talked to sean for alittle while. woo hoo. go me. and we watched *my best friends wedding* ahh i love that movie!! lol i say alittle prayer for youuuu.. lol else. great song.

So yeah then me and elise woke up around 1 lol and i called my mommy and told her happy birthday and talked to her for awhile then me and elise were hungry and we coudlnt find anything to eat. so brett came and took us to get food lol fuun. then we all came back and hung out at elises house and then went and picked up victoria and went to elises brothers basketball game up at duschene. THen brett dropped us off and we decided what we were gonna do and so we decided to see a movie. but it was sold out so me elise vic and brett went to elises house and watched tv and stuff till about 12ish and i came home..

And surprisingly sean had called so i got home caled him back and talked to him for awhile..

THen on sudnay i just sat around the house and stuff and then sean called and so i got ready and went over to his house. And i got there and boy oh boy was taht fun i got pissed at him after like 15 min of being there and i didnt talk to him the rest of the time. . He said he was gna apalogize but when he called me over i didnt wanna go. duuh becuae i was mad lol if you knew why youd be to.

Soo.. then mom came and got me at like 9 and i went with her to some places got home called sean cuz i needed to talk to him about me and his relationship? i guess lol because it wasnt really going anywhere... But he didnt answer so i was doing my homework and he called.. so we talked for about an hour and we decided we were done and stuff soo yay im single.. lol and i wasnt really sad over it which is weeird because idk

but yea and then its just been school and hanging around my house and stuff.. dealing with fights here and there and just the same old stuff.. And ive been sooo tired lately prlly cuz ive been going to bed at like 12. i need to stop doing that, because im gettin to be in a really bad mood where i cant like stand anyone.

Well besides all that i hafta cheer like everynite this week which sucks but oh well ill get over it

But thats about it so yea.. bye babe!!
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