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Apr 15, 2005 16:26

 I havent updated in a long time. but not alot has really happened. things are deffenitly going better for me and ive been in a really good mood lately.  i like it. i hope it stays this way lol.

Well this past weekend was our lifegaurd training stuff.it was fun me and elise went together and there was alot of people for it too. i cant wait till i finally get a job. lol i need money so bad. then on monday brett came over. i had a fun time, i laugh alot more now for some reason lol and i like that. i enjoy laughing lol. and then tuesday and wednesday nothing really happened just kinda sat around and talked and stuff. blaaaaah booring.

thursday after school we had cheer practice which was kinda pointless but i guess not really cuz we have our whole variety show routine down so thats a good thing! i think itll look cute.. or hopefully lol. then i came home watched tv talked took a shower talked to my boy and then went to sleep. ahh i had a monster headache and it wouldnt go away. so i didnt get to sleep till like 11:30. Then this morning i hada get up at 6. uuuughh. and go to practice again which was fun lol. i got slapped in the nose and megan got butt bumped on the head duno how but yeah lol. then we changed and we took our time then we went to french. and we watched napoleon! woop lol it was really fun today i was in sucha good mood. and i love it!!.

then on the way home we hada take a detour cuz jake left his friend at school with no ride.. lol aww so me sheila and mishelle told him to turn around. and he got mad. but eh well he got over it. then we were acting like hardasses and dancing or w/e in the car to * head bustas?* lol. cuz jake just put his subs back in.. lol ya it was fun. then we got alittle lost going to convienent. not lost but cunfuzeeed i guess. then hah every way we tried to get home it was all backed up. jake was going crazy it was hilarious. and so we finally got home like 45 min late. ooh well wat can ya doo.

and i wanna see brett tonite but he has a bsball game at the t.r. hughes stadium? i think. but thats a good thing so i hope they do good! lol. so i think im gna hhang out with megan and her friend ericka tonite.. should  be fun..

and tomorrow- *Me and Bretts 2 Month!!* eee. but god damn i hafta bbysit all nite which bllooowws. but i cant get outa it now. im dreading it cuz those kids give me sucha headache! djkjjsk;jd.gakjd. oh well hopefully ill get paid alot though. maybe this weekend wont be so bad.

welll thats all about all i got!. cya later. luv ya!.. cant you tell im in a good mood? lol. .. later.
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