(no subject)

Oct 09, 2003 10:07

I'm at a temp job for an animal food/supply wholesale place...I'm doing date entry. Its not much fun. I thought I'd come here and check things out. Sheesh...I'm gone for a few days and its complete chaos. I can't believe how many people in this world live in complete disreguard to other people's feelings. I just can't grasp the concept of why, if you didn't want something or didn't like something or didn't understand something, why you wouldn't just say so. As chaotic as I thought my life was, I now feel completely selfish.

So I'm trying to plan a wedding...I should be happy.

So I wrecked my car...I got a new one.

So I have whiplash...I'll heal.

So I dented the bumper of my new car...it's fixable.

At least I'm getting along with everyone who's in my life. I have that much to be thankful for. I'm just sorry it took others being unhappy for me to realize that.

A note to those of you who know it's ment for you...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH...thank you for being in my life. I cherish all time we get to spend together.

drama, car

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