Fun times...

Jul 30, 2007 09:05

So I'm driving along the highway heading home last night. I was going about 85 (addmittidley, a teensy bit higher than the speed limit) and I see some debris on the highway, so I make a mental note to avoid it. As I'm driving along all careful-like, a guy on a motorcycle pulls out and cuts me off, forcing me to have to swerve into the slow lane to not hit him..and drive over the debris. Next thing I know...

BAM! *thwap, thwap, thwap*

That's right...flat tire. I pull over immediately, and pull out all the stuff to change it to the spare. But I can't get the lug nuts to budge. Called the husband...he drove out and changed the tire...made it look easy. >.<

I look at the old tire...there's an old rusty screwdriver buried to the hilt in the inner edge of the tire. :( I was a sad annoyed panda. Drove to Walmart, since it was nearly 6:00 by this time, and got 4 new tires...might as well since they were kind of needing replacement anway. But I wasn't expecting to have to drp that kind of money last night. :(


tires, car

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