Yay for driving too much!!!

Oct 02, 2006 10:00

Went to visit kerrowyn and her hubby, Justin, again this weekend. Kind of a last minute thing, so I could go to Ren Faire with them on Saturday. Was so much fun. But the sucky part is I forgot my camera. Bah, so no fun Ren pictures for me...*pouts*

kerrowyn is looking great and though she's due on the 23rd, I have a feeling she will be having her baby any day now. I'm so excited...I just hope littl emiss Haley dosen't come so quickly that I won't have the opportunity to get there in time. It'd be just like one of Justin's kids to do that to me. :P

I have so much fun visiting them. I really wish they lived closer...cause I'm back to work now and feeling wiped...5 hours dosen't sound that long, but it really really is. *sigh* Totally worth it though.

If I missed anything this weekend in all y'alls posts, let me know...I'll be trying to catch up on them today.

Getting totally excited for Halloween...it's definately my favorite holiday. My work had the teams do themes and there's a costume contest. My team picked "Monster Mash". We're going to have all sorts of different monsters...Frankenstein, a werewolf, zombies, a crypt keeper, ghosts, and vampires. I'm going to be a vampire. Should be mui bueno. We do a full decoration of the work area...some of you may remember last year when we did POTC. We didn't have a lot of planning time last year, because we didn't even come up with out theme until about two weeks pre-H'ween. So this year I think our decor will be even better.


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