(no subject)

Jul 03, 2006 14:46

So I just realized my last post was a really bad one to go MIA on....

My work's attendance policy is really messed up, everyone hates it...

Basically you can be late twice in one month, the third time it's a write up. But....if you get more than three write ups withing an 18 month period you're automatically terminated.

So...I've had three write ups....and last friday I had my third late this month...kind of. When I clocked in my clock showed me being one minute late....every other clock in the office showed me being on time. But they go by your clock in time on your clock...cause that's what gets computer stamped. So anyway....I thought for sure I'd be fired.

Here's where some good karma finally caught up to me. For whatever reason...the main computer didn't show me clocking in at all....so my boss told the scheduler I came in on time, and that she didn't know why it didn't show me clocking in.

So I'm still working....*whew*

Then I went MIA because this weekend was my first cowboy action shoot....I don't know the results yet, but I think I did pretty well what with it being my first shoot and all.

So yeah...kerrowyn....for whatever reason, I didn't get either of your messages until today....land lines are good hun ;)...and I'll call you soon.

and everyone else....how was your weekend? Anyone else stuck working one day before the holiday like me?

cowboy action, work

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