
Aug 25, 2002 23:09

So I went wine tasting today with Kris. That was fun. At least he didn't try to make serious conversation again. I don't think I could handle another "why won't you date just me" conversation. We've had so many lately. And I always give him the same reason. Ah well...It'll get figured out eventually.
Ack...I'm so sleepy's wierd...I've even been sleeping almost 6 hours a night! It's amazing. Of was only last night...I've been going out almost every other night...but that's cool too! One night of lots of sleep is cooler than none.
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Daily Quote - in honor of the new season coming soon!
"Football combines the two worst things about America...violence punctuated by committee meetings." - George Will

daily quote, insomnia, guys, meme, men

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