Okay, here's the rules. Go back through your archives for 2004. Take the first sentence from the first day of each month, and paste them here in a paragraph. It's fun!
Here's mine:
So...HAPPY NEW YEAR!...everybody!
http://devel.okcupid.com/personality?type=RBLM&g=2&o=1&h=157 is that a bad thing? And they claim it's not addictive
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=857&ncid=757&e=10&u=/nm/20040302/od_uk_nm/oukoe_odd_canada_prison. And on my first try.....!!! Bella deleted her journal....WHY? Congratulations! I've devided my last week or so into sections for your reading pleasure. My thoughts are with
teafairy today. Big Congo Rats to
cuppa_joe for her job interview!!!
woundedwolf and I are going to San Deigo this weekend for a wedding, so I won't have access to the internet for a couplla days. *does a little happy dance* A comment was made to me today that I feel was totally unneccessary.
oh and....
Getting the word out early this year!
http://www.makeminechocolate.org/ everyone go order a t-shirt, a pin, something.....something that gets the word out.
Of course, only if you can afford it.