Got a promotion/Doing some history

Oct 22, 2014 20:12

I got a promotion at work today! I am super excited! I was doing Accounts Payable and now our Payroll department is expanding so I will be setting up our new Payroll system and will be doing payroll. Our company has locations all across Canada so it will be super busy and fun. I also get to train the new accounts payable person and even get to be in on the interview process. I also get a nice little raise.

I am so stoked, I've been doing Accounts Payable for about 13 years now so it should be a nice change of pace.

Also I've been trying to do some family history stuff and found out that one of my relatives (Barthlomew Heath) came from Essex County who married Hannah Moyce from Suffolk County. I would love to go to London one day. I would also love to go to Scotland. I have a thing for Scottish Accents. I would also love to go to Denmark one day, which is where my dad's family is from.
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