Apr 04, 2002 12:52
I was sitting, thinking about how I spend a lot of time just sitting and thinking. I could be doing so much more. LIke spending time with those people who used to be my friends which I neglected and tried to detach myself from. It is interesting if you think about it, how ones current behaviour can be traced back to a humiliating and hurtful incident that happened in grade 6 on a class trip that was supposed to be the best time of ones elementary career! Cazzzy!!
Isn't it odd, that now when I am about to graduate and move on, I am still plagued by such a stupid event that happened almost 7 years ago! I belive that what all the girls in my gr. 6 class did to me just about completly damaged my self-esteem and my ability to believe in real friendships. Which every time it is about to be restored, some one or some thing, or me, ruins it again!
When, I think about why I don't really care about it anymore, I think it is because I know that I am leaving on a jet plane and never comeing back the same. OH yeah! SO I suppose, I have come to terms with a lot of things and perhaps I have actually forgive those girls who toatlly distroyed me. who I LET destroy me.
They won, that day. I lost! BUt now I am okay!!!! Yeah!! SO I will go on the same until Mac, THen it will be ok, and I change. not for anyone else. But for me.
This is it. and it is about time.