The 20 Random Facts Meme.

Apr 16, 2006 18:58

Fun! A good way to get to know your flist. After posting, you are supposed to tag as many people as the number of minutes that it took you to make the list.

Here are my random facts:

1. At the moment, the contents of my purse include a spoon, a tea strainer and Sweet Pea seeds.

2. I have a scar on my right hand from a rubber band.

3. I named my cats "Radcliffe" and "Walter" after two brothers in the Amelia Peabody mysteries. My husband called them "Psycho Kitty" and "The Claw". Guess who won?

4. I can't be too revealing on the list because my 'baby' brother is on my flist.

5. I'm a mezzo soprano.

6. I own exactly one metal CD (Break the Cycle by Stain'd).

7. I own several jazz vocal CDs, including Madeline Peroux, Nat King Cole and Billie Holiday.

8. That's not actually true. The Nat King Cole CD officially belongs to my other brother.

9. My first concert was an Amy Grant concert (back in her Christian music days) that my then best friend took me to.

10. Actually, her mom bought the tix, but my mom took us.

11. My best concert was the Spin Doctors when I was 17. We got plucked out of the audience and given backstage passes.

12. I still have my signed T-shirt in a box somewhere.

13. I have the sniffles 12 months out of the year.

14. I have never been drunk, just tipsy.

15. I wear one ring on each hand.

16. I have two sets of jewelry -- including 'wedding' bands, one yellow gold and one white gold/silver.

17. I have a cute little mole about four inches above and two inches to the right of my belly button.

18. I have gained a good 30 pounds in the last five years.

19. If I had no ties in Indiana, I would move to Tucson, AZ. Or West Glacier, MT. Ideally, 6 months in each place.

20. I had about a million good ideas for this list, but they flew out of my brain as soon as I started typing.

And I got re-tagged, so here are another 20.

21. I don't ride roller coasters because I get motion sick.

22. The boy next door was a doofus, but I'm married to the guy who grew up across the street from him.

23. I love cherry pie. Almost as much as I love chocolate.

24. I knew a man who was one of the final victims of the local serial killer.

25. Of the couple of dozen people in my high school theatre group, one starred in an after school special and another was an extra in My Best Friend's Wedding.

26. The second person in #25 is the only guy, other than my husband, that I've ever really kissed.

27. I have colored my toenails different colors with sharpies.

28. Although I have lived in Indianapolis for over 20 years I have never been to an Indy 500 or a Colts game. I have been to two (or maybe three) Pacers games.

29. I remember the days when Subway promised to give away free sandwiches to everyone if the Colts actually won a game.

30. Those last nine things flowed easily, but now I'm stumped again.

31. I've been in California three times, but twice were connections at LAX and the third was when I was too young to remember.

32. My favorite gemstone is a dark red garnet. I also love dark, rich amythests and chrome tourmalines.

33. I am famously clumsy. I bashed my eye into a chair once. My eye. As in the thing that should have seen the fucking chair coming at it. I also once danced into a refrigerator.

34. I almost always have a song running through my brain.

35. I had sex tonight.

36. My oldest nieces just started high school, while my youngest brother just started college.

37. I once took a class entitled "The History of the Occult in Western Civilization".

38. I actually like cataloging.

39. I will totally keep adding to this if I continue to get tagged.

40. I am 5 1/2 feet tall.

And kid bro tagged me yet again. I'm going to try to list only things that weren't true when I typed the first 20.

41. I'm wearing a black and white sleeveless sweater and jeans.

42. I am addicted to knitting.

43. My baby brother's boyfriend is also on my flist.

44. I don't like the food at the Scholars' Inn.

45. My family is watching Breaking Away and it had better be over in time for Veronica Mars.

46. I can only come up with five new-within-a-month random facts.

47. I wear my engagement ring on my right ring finger. As an April baby, 'tis my birthstone.

48. I think fun fur rocks.

49. Ooh. Another new one. My favorite song on the VM soundtrack is "Lily Dreams On".

50. And another. My ear itches.

51. I can still sing my high school fight song but I never knew the words to our college's song. It contains "Indiana, Oh Indiana," though.

52. I love sappy easy listening artists like Anne Murray, Dan Fogelberg and John Denver.

53. I pepper my conversation liberally with the word 'fuck' but try to avoid using 'hell' or 'damn' in a nonliteral sense.

54. I am at my parents' house right now.

55. Despite shawshank123's claims, I am not the world's biggest dork.

56. I am not even the biggest dork among my colleagues.

57. Now my foot itches.

58. I am allergic to angora.

59. My car is full of junk, including a plastic horse skeleton and a whole lot of books.

60. I love Cosmo.

20 more... Because I can!

61. Although we only have cats, I am totally a dog person.

62. I have published an article in a journal.

63. I have presented at three national professional conferences.

64. The best thing about Christmas is shopping for my nieces and nephews.

65. And my husband.

66. And my Mum.

67. I put the VM soundtrack into the CD player every time I see a yellow X-Terra.

68. I said above that I wasn't the world's biggest dork... I never said that I wasn't a big dork {grin}.

69. When my Dad called a minute ago I just barely stopped myself from answering the phone "Thank you for calling Borders (location). This is Jennifer. How may I help you?"

70. This probably has something to do with the fact that the phones at work have been ringing pretty much constantly for the past several weeks.

71. I am now looking forward to having two blessed days off before working Christmas Eve.

72. My husband is quite tall. Well over 6 feet.

73. My feet kinda stink.

74. But not nearly as much as my brothers'. Not Shawshank123. The Green Kangaroo.

75. I will so definitely keep adding to this list until I reach 100 random facts.

76. Tonight is the first time I've been on LJ in a couple of months.

77. I'm a halfway decent euchre player -- when I'm paying attention.

78. Although the pay is shit, I kinda love my job.

79. Even, and maybe especially, when the phone won't stop ringing and I can't walk across the store without being stopped by at least three customers.

80. The only things I truly regret are the people that I know I've hurt.

And to round out the full 100...

81. Every year I attempt to grow a garden and end up with a lot of expensive perennials in the middle of a weed patch. I obviously don't like to weed. Especially in the summer heat.

82. I fucking love spring. It makes me believe in miracles.

83. I have narrow feet that went flat. This has resulted in toes that splay a little wider than normal, average width across the balls of my feet and skinny little heels. It makes shoe shopping a real pain in the ass.

84. My doll icon is still sporting my old haircut. I've got a sassy new layered bob.

85. For some reason I've developed a thing for pink sweaters during the last six months or so.

86. Apparently, I only spend huge amounts of time on the computer during summer reruns.

87. I'm down to only one grandparent.

88. I miss NYC.

89. I've only been there once, last summer, for four days.

90. I just met the Green Kangaroo's new girlfriend.

91. My dogs (er... that is, my parents' dogs) love to ride around in the golf cart.

92. I am so puppy whipped that I drive them around and around and around.

93. There is no golf course, just a cart to drive across the 10 parental acres.

94. I suck at ping pong. And frisbee. And pretty much anything else requiring eye-hand coordination. Or rapid movement.

95. I fucking love my Calvin Klein jeans. So.Fucking.Comfortable.

96. "I fucking love..." is a favorite phrase right now.

97. I also like to say "True Dat," mostly because it makes baby bro cringe.

98. I am about the whitest white chick there is.

99. Most people I know wouldn't believe that I'm such a blabbermouth around my nearest and dearest.

100. I wish you all Happy Easter!
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