(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 22:41

one man
one mission
one more plot to save the world

reclaim all races
and embrace our destiny

changing history
when the colliding comes
where will you run?
come with us if you want to live

Join us in the army that's arising
the truth invades your mind
everyday the kingdom is advancing
the Earth invasion has just begun

without sound
without fear
it attacks the heart and soul
to rule all life
and display His government

changing history
when the colliding comes
where will you run?
come with us if you want to live


Chorus 2:
Join us in the army that's arising
let the truth invade your mind
everyday the kingdom is advancing
the Earth invasion has just begun

the Earth's frustration
to be whole again
we'll see a nation
living without sin

the Earth invasion

one man
one mission
one plot to save the world


I don't know. I just don't. My heart is like... sinking... not in a bad way. I'm so in love with God, and there's so much going on. Tonight at Park Avenue I said hey to Kyle and he was walking with this Guy and the guy started talking to me and he said when he saw me saturday at Park Avenue God laid it on his heart to pray for me... and God showed him that stuff from the past was bringing me down and just to pray for me. I was like WOW. Nothing like that has ever happened to me. I have been thinking about my mom a lot and I miss her so much. There have been things I've been discouraged about. I think maybe I've been overlooking those things but that's God's way of saying, hey, you can't run from them deal with them. And It's definately God saying... how much he loves me and cares. I mean this was amazing, someone I've never seen before just walks up to me telling me these things. So he prayed for me and it was awesome. I just have no idea how God can be so amazing. There are so many things I need to deal with though. I look at people like Kyle, and Ian, and Josh, and Heather... and so many other peopel and Im like wow... I so want to be like that. The guy also said something along the lines about God has great plans for me, and God's been telling me that. So tonight at youth durring worship I was just like... God I know you have plans for me I just have no idea what so can you just please show me... I don't know I just hope it happens soon. I'm so excited about camp, but even more excited about the missions trip. I think I'm already in love with the kids, and I haven't even seen them. I don't know hard to explain. Jeeze guys... don't run from God. Please, he's so real. He loves you so much, you have no idea. Just give him a chance.


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