Oct 11, 2005 20:53
ok well this will probly be another long entry
k well just got back from vball and we had to run well those of us that werent at practice running bleachers at the rink for an hour and i didnt go cuz i had to work and it was like me then al ky and lys.yeah theyre all like pro runners then theres me like seriously they run for fun...but yeah it was cold and i have a cold so i couldnt breathe...we ran down to the rink then up the hill..and my and lys talked about stuff thats bothering us
well yeah i finished my short story finally 10 PAGES and its retarded....yeah so now i just have an english project and english essay and studying for english left....anyone read lord of the flies? ugh i hate that book i dunno why i just cant stand it
k so im readin a farewell to arms for my oral book report and i really like it which is surprising cuz the book list from alberta ed sucks and the most stupid books are on there...i read some of the books on the 30-1 list last year about physics and stuff...theyre not even that hard
and im really far behind in bio like 6 really long lab reports behind but thats considered ahead for my class hehe...o wait no its 7 labs...and i have a religion test on friday which the equivalent of "a first year university course" but we get gr 12 credits for it
ok so gym class has been awesome lately cuz mr y has been like really nice like hyper..hehe we were playing doubles badminton and me and keliesha got the award "sponsored by" kitkat and aero for most sportsmanlike but whenever we got a point we totally rubbed it in brook and sage's face.....twas fun
so i just finished my english project thank god....so now im gonna try to get a lab done
vball game tomorrow against kainai..they gonna get schooled
i decided im gonna go gangsta for halloween....if im not stuck at the mandatory vball camp
im in a bit of a dilemma..i told keliesha about this already k so i was talking to my mom and she told me to start applying for scholarships for like u of a and u of c but i cant cuz im in gr 11 and we apply for them at the end of the year and i dont wanna go there cuz they suck so i told her that and she was like well wuts the best one for engineering and i was like toronto or waterloo...and shes like i think u of a cuz they have a good coop program cuz my cousin was in it a few years ago....so i told her there was no way in hell that im going there and she told me that unless i was paying for it or came up with money that i would have to deal with it...cuz it would cost quite a bit if i went to u of t just cuz of the distance ...but i can get scholarships....i can get some metis ones...ruthorford...maybe leadership and stuff like that...so yeah...but u of a and u of c both suck like seriously cuz im thinking of doing eng sci in biomed or just doing chem eng...well they dont have eng sci in calgary or edmonton do they...that will be my argument..i know i have like another year to decide..but i like to know what direction im headed and i wanna straighten this out before i start applying so i avoid getting into a huge fight
OMG i have found aubreys twin....sort of....its peter....yeah i know hes in gr 10 and ive known him forever but i just realized this the other day...he looks like him with the hair and stuff and kinda talks like him but hes kinda shy.....but at vball tonight i told him i was like u know ur aubreys twin i swear to god he was like yeah thanks jen for telling me that then i asked amy if he looked like aubrey cuz she saw my pics and she said yeah...but no one else thinks so.....jeez....well ya off to do bio....o and spanish