
Apr 16, 2008 17:25

 this sucks.. . i can't wait to get away from everyone!! i hate school, and my friends annoy me about 90% of time. i wish i had cousins..well, i mean i do, but not ones who live near me. they live all the freaking way in illinois.ha, i think my cousin josh is so hot. thats pretty perverted though.ha. well..school today sucked frreaking balls! why does everyone think they know everything and want to have a say in what i do?! umm, HELLO, what i fuckin say is none of your god damn business!! thesse people serioulsy need to get a grip! first of all, yes, i am talking about you..and second, why the fuck do you give a rats ass about prom when your the main people that when it comes around are going to be like 'omg, prom is so gay, this school is so gay, im not doing anything to help, im not going' everyone knows that those are going to be the exact words that are going to come out of your mouth, so why waste your breath arguing?! IGNORANCE!! thats all it is, and i wish you could see what you look like cause your makeing yourselves out to be fucking dummb shits! im over this. i'm so done with putting up with stupid little drama!
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