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Nov 19, 2004 18:26

well i have been thinking alot and you what sucks when you think you have something with someone like you think theres just that one thing there and you like the person alot and then you find out that they have no feelings for you and then your left to wonder if you made up the something you felt or if you wanted it so bad you just read way to far into the little things! Another thing that i find i do is that i totally want to be with someone and i think they are the greatest thing in the whole wide world and then i get with them or i get to know them more and more and then i totally change my opinoin of them! Another thing i do in relationships is think i want one until i get into one and then im like what am i doing i hate being committed to only one person and i get scared about being in a serious relationship and then i either try to make them dump me or i dump them because i get confused and don't know what i want. But i think i am past that i think i want something serious and dependable i guess its more of i dont want to be single anymore either. I dont know if you do any of the things i do or anything else tell me
- Jennifer Mason-
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