Jun 09, 2004 15:06

yesterday i had to oppurnitity to go and help feed homeless people with royal view church well the youth group named "view" and we went to this place on dundas in the middle of a few bulidings. Well i would just like to say it was definelty a learning experience. I learned that not everyone has enough money to efford food and i am one of those people who always complains i am hungry and my house never has food but these people who came to the Ark Aid only eat once a day and they live on the street and it made me very grateful for what i have i mean i have a home, i have parents, i have food, running water, and i dont live on the street and it made me realize that most of these people dont want to live like this they want more out of life .
Honeslty i never thought london had homeless people and if they were homeles sit was there fault cuz they ran away from home cuz they were addicted to drugs and i realized that most people dont even think we have a problem with homeless people, but im telling you there definelty is one and i think we as people need to do something like im not saying give all ur money or anything but maybe that $1 u spend on ur fav chocloate bar or ur fav chips maybe u should put it in a charity to help the poor becasue yesterday made me thankful for everything i have and everything i take for grated so next time your like omg i have no food or u think that u life completely sucks remember that some people dont even have homes and im not saying people dont have problem i mean i just wrote a live journal about mine but i realized my problems arent even that big ... so next time ur like i have no food or my clothes arent cool enough remember some people dont even have enough money for food so be thankful for what you have

* Jennifer Mason*
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