Tell them that it's human nature...

Jul 24, 2009 21:01

So let's discuss some of the amazingness that has happened in the past few days:
1) Alice in Wonderland trailer released
2) Panic! at the Disco's new song "New Perspective" was leaked
3) Watched some old Star Trek episodes (secretly I'm slowly becoming a Trekkie)

Let's also discuss amazingness that is happening around me, put I can't partake in
1) Comic Con (Johnny Depp was there! Tim Burton too! And the Hillywood cast!)
2) Panic!'s new video shoot tomorrow in LA--must be 18 to be part of it
3) Did I mention Comic Con? Oh yeah I did. Well, it deserves to be mentioned twice.

So with the Star Trek thing, that kinda got ruined.
Basically my sister was saying she liked it too,
when I just found an interest of my own
(it seems we always share the same interests)
I already showed her Zachary Quinto, The Cab, Heroes, even Drake Bell.
She takes them all over in a way that she seems like she likes them more
when really I found it first and enjoyed it first. >.<
I just wanted to have Star Trek to myself, but no.
Can't have that either.
I guess that's ok though.
At least I won't be slowly turning into a Trekkie geek xD

So I guess that's it really.
Except, I gots a new meme to fill out.
Let's see if I can get this lj-cut thing to work.
Hopefully I don't fail.
Oh! Like I did with the banner!
I still can't do a banner at the top of my page.


1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

So reply to this if you want me to give you icons for a meme of your own! ^_^

My icons were picked by sandsdream

So this icon is obviously the wonderful Johnny Depp.
I like it because he's so damn happy.
Hence the "Yay!"
And I like to use this icon whenever I hear happy news ^_^

This icon is Cheese from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
It's a cartoon show that used to be on Cartoon Network.
Cheese reminds me of me-random and sometimes annoying xD
I use this icon when I don't no what to use-hence the "no icon"
Cheese is cute ^_^
I even have a shirt with him on it!!!

This icon was made by woopiedoo
This is Dr. Cullen. Mhhmmm.
I was really obsessed with Twilight for awhile, but it kinda went away.
So I removed most of my other Twilight icons, except this one
(and the one with Jasper and Alice)
because Dr Cullen is just so very yummy.
If I ever get sick, I wanna go to him.
I would never eat apples again. xD

This icon is made by the fabulous princessbloomy
I just love all her icons to pieces!!!
I really like this one for three reasons:
1) It captures the innocence of Michael
2) This is one of my favorite parts in Thriller
3) His cute little smile.
I really like Michael Jackson's music a lot before he passed,
but I really didn't learn so much about him as I did after his death.
I really wish I did know more when he was alive.
It still doesn't seem like he's gone.
MJ, you rocked my world <3

and last but certainly not least:

This icon was made by alken_4graphics
This is the spectacular Brendon Boyd Urie.
He is the one person I would just love to meet.
*could totally break out into totally fan-girling but will save your time*
I like this one because he's just so darn cute ^_^
Also because I like to call him Bden Bunny sometimes.
And this fits perfectly, of course.
I use this icon often in patd posts.
Nobody can resist the adorableness of Brendon <3

From one of your biggest fail whales,
Jennifer Lovett

panic! at the disco, icons, comic con, star trek, zachary quinto, alice in wonderland, hillywood, johnny depp, meme, new perspective, tim burton

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