What can I say? These are fun. ::P (mutant smilie!!!)
Last thing/person...
[1] you touched? the newspaper
[2] you talked to? Fuzzball
[3] you hugged? I don't remember, I hug a lot of people on a regular basis
[4] you instant messaged? Again, I don't remember. My memory is horrible
[5] you kissed? Seriously? Jake
[6] you yelled at? Jackson (he ate my jump drive...*whimper* "You have to understand, Katie, he isn't stupid. He's evil.")
[7] you laughed with? everyone who was at Matt's house
[8] you had a crush on? *shrugs* I love everybody, so I have a rather difficult time figuring out if I'm crushing on them or not. Probably David, though. Or Jeff. I don't really know....
Name four drinks you regularly drink:
[1] Diet Coke
[2] Iced Tea
[3] Milk
[4] Water
Name four random facts about yourself:
[1] I have ridden a camel named Chester
[2] I lie compulsively, often for no reason (though usually it's about insignificant things)
[3] I hate taking showers, but I love being out in rain
[4] I always wear headphones when on the computer, though I'm rarely listening to music
Name four random facts about your family:
[1] Dutch. Dutch, Dutch, Dutch, Dutch, Dutch. ::P
[2] All three children love fantasy/sci fi novels, but our parents can't stand them
[3] Whenever we go camping, there is at least one downpour
[4] We will go 40 miles out of our way on a roadtrip in order to get to a state capital. 36 so far, I believe
Have you ever...
[1] fallen for a friend? yes
[2] made out with JUST a friend? no
[3] been rejected? yes, but I knew they were going to say no. which is the entire reason i asked them. ^__^
[4] been in lust? umm...not with any person in real life.
[5] used someone? no
[6] ever been used? frequently, but I prefer to think of it as being a nice person
[7] cheated on someone? no
[8] been cheated on? i've never had an actual romantic relationship, so no
[9] done something you regret? yeah.
[10] can you list a few of them? i would rather not
Do you...
[1] color your hair? YES
[2] have tattoos? no, but i wouldn't be opposed to getting one
[3] have piercing(s)? ears, that's it
[4] have a boy/girlfriend? no.
[5] floss daily? eh-heh-heh-heh....I have terrible dental hygene. *blushes* I brush my teeth, and that's it
[6] like to groove to the music? wheeeeee! yes
[7] think you are cultured? I'm a freak of nature, of course not! *mock insulted*
[8] like to drive fast? I can't drive, so no.
[9] believe in God? yeah. can't say there's much of a relationship there, but whatever.
[10] believe in The Closet Monster? AHHHHH!!! I'm afraid of the dark still.
[1] What should you be doing right now? homework, watching Fuzzball, returning library books, sitting down and actually learning how to play my bass decently (i'm really too lazy to practice much), burning incense, writing, etc.
[2] What are you listening to? "I'm in Love with My Car" -- Queen
[3] Can you do anything freakish with your body? nah.
[4] Chicken or fish? the feathered one
[5] Favorite Season? spring or fall. I like the inbetweens
[6] Is ice cream the best thing in the world? well, if it's chocolate ice cream.... ::P
[7] What would your dream date be? camping out on a beach. watching the sunset, looking for constellations, sleeping, watching the sunrise. talking is optional.
[8] Silver, gold or platinum? gold. gold and red is the best
[9] Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? for a date? attempting to cook together at home. ^__^
[10] Roses or wild flowers? wild roses. :D
[11] Silly or serious romance? i could never stand to be serious forever. my response to most situations is to do/say something stupid or bizarre in an attempt to get people to laugh
[12] What CD is in your CD player right now? It's All Good. piano music written and played by my cousin and his friend
[13] Who was your favorite Spice Girl? they frightened me. anyone who gets a doll made out of themselves scares me.
[14] Favorite Disney character? Belle
[15] Favorite fast food? How fast is fastfood? Culvers, probably.
[16] Favorite book(s)? That changes from week to week. I like most of the books I read. Hmm...Sherlock Holmes stories.
[17] Who do you consider your best friend? I no longer have one.
[18] Favorite song? Toss up between "Piano Man" by Billy Joel and "Let it Be" by the Beatles
[19] What room is your computer in? on the corner between the kitchen/dining room and the family room
[20] What is your shoe size? changes. 8-9
[21] Happy or scary movies? I hate scary movies, so happy. I have a hyperactive imagination, so scary movies keep me from sleep. 'specially psycological ones. *shudders*
[22] What will you be when you grow up? i'm still working on that. :P