There's No Need To Be Afraid. Niall/Louis Fic. (Preview)

Dec 21, 2011 18:25

Title: It's Christmas Time, There's No Need To Be Afraid.
Pairing: Niall/Louis (in next part Liam/Zayn)
Rating: PG
Part: Preview - should have 2 parts.
Warning(s): 15 years in the future and children(?)
Word Count: 729 (so far)
Disclaimer: This didn’t happen, cos like it's set in the future and I ain't Doctor Who and don't have a TARDIS so I can't go into the future and find out if it does happen, but their is a very slim chance it may, probably won't but may happen.
Summary: Christmas Eve/Louis' 35th and it's about One Direction in the future.
Notes: Right, this is my first fic for this fandom. I hope you all enjoy, I will have the other parts up asap. Also, you may need to know the boys ages: Louis- 35, Niall+Liam+Zayn-33 and Harry-32.

"Daddy, wake-up, wake-up, wake-up!!!!" Was the first thing heard in that particular household on the morning of Christmas Eve.

"Daddy, c'mon it's your birthday, waaaaaaake upppp! We've got presents, pleeeeeease, daddy says we can't have breakfast until you wake up and eat with us, c'mon, I'm hungry!!" carried on a hyper sounding child, not even given her father a time to tell his youngest that he was in fact awake. 'Ah, she's so much like Niall' Louis thought to himself, while trying to hid a smile off his face as his 3 year old got excited over his own birthday.

"Yeah, c'mon dad, no food, you know how much of a grump Ellie and dad will be in all day if you don't get up and they don't eat, you really want to deal with that on your birthday" His eldest, Sophie piped up from what sounded like the door frame.

"You know Soph, you are wise beyond your years. I blame that Uncle Liam of yours." Fast footsteps in the opposite direction got Louis curious, so he poped one eye open, "What wa-" "Daddddddy's speaking in his sleep again, I don't like it's scary!" Louis and Sophie had a little chuckle at that, he always forgets that his three year old has yet to learn that people can talk without their eyes being open.

"Your mean dad. Aren't you supposed to be nice to your children?" mumbled Sophie.
"I suppose I am, but saying so it's my birthday I shall do as I please." grinned the proud father in reply, fully awake at this point.

"Don't you always, baby? But good morning and happy birthday!" One look up showed Louis the cutest view ever, there was his gorgeous husband with their youngest child snuggled up in his arms with their eldest closely at his side with a huge grin on her face carry what looked like too many presents.

"Why of course my little leprechaun, but today I have a reason and you shall all follow my rules like I'm your king and you are my peasants. Now I demand you all give me a huge hug and then proceed to go get your breakfast so I can open the presents peasant number one is carry for me." Niall rolled this eyes at the nickname he has had for over 15 years now, it sometimes amazes him that the boys -and their fans actually- will still call him that and have still not gotten bored of it, but nevertheless he proceed to place Ellie on the floor before jumping on Louis with his children to give him a huge bear hug.

"Now that is more like it, now my peasants, I would like my presents left their and for you to all go eat your breakfast while I go to the toilet, could you do that for your king?" winked a now excited Louis. A string of "yes daddy” and "I'm not actually a peasant you know" and "I'm so hungry I want chocolate for breakfast, do think I'm allowed Sophie, daddy will let me right?" followed.

"So, then we are your peasants? So, you are determined to stay forever young then?"

"Quoting one of our covers to me, ahhh baby you know the way to my heart."

"Oh shut up Lou, you big child."

"Now is that any way to talk to your wonderful husband on his birthday, no I think not, so I demand a kiss." A slight chuckle left Niall's lips before he pressed a small kiss on Louis lips.

"Now that is all you will get until you come downstairs and eat your breakfast, the boys will be round soon and if we don't get downstairs soon, Ellie will find chocolate and have it for breakfast, and I'm sure Zayn will be thrilled that a hyper daughter of ours decides he will play dress up with her and wear lipstick again."

"Oh, but Niall he enjoyed it and he looked oh so pretty" Louis fluttered his eye lashes between getting out of bed and putting a top on. "But, you are probably right about the chocolate and I'm not sure Jess will be pleased if El uses up all her favourite lipstick again. According to Harry it was quite expensive, we still need to pay her back some how you know..."

nouis, niall horan, louis/niall, pg, louis tomlinson

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