Aug 28, 2005 12:58
We tried a new church today- sunset presbyterian church- and it was a lot better than the last one. People weren't yelling or touching, so it was all good. I think this Wednesday though I'm going to go to Tiffany's church thing that they have on wed. nights. After church we went to this new grocery store called Haggen and it was so cool- i dont think i've ever been that excited about grocery shopping before. They had like fresh everything that smelled really good. then, my dad and i made fajitas which i must say were prettty damn good. volleyball tomorrow-crap. i know it's going to get me in shape but im so sore and i hate conditioning. i can't wait til school starts though and i can actually have friends lol yesterday i was really bored around the house and my mom was like im sorry you dont have any friends yet, i dont have any either. i thought it was pretty funny but kind of depressing in a way. I do have like tiffany and megan and sam and all the sophomores but i just haven't hung out with any of them outside of volleyball before. im still planning to go to registration this thursday though with the girls in my academy. now i have to go take a shower cause for some reason after i eat a lot i feel gross so taking shower like refreshes me lol. oh and kristen will appreciate this-i've noticed that theres like a starbucks on every street corner here its so weird. I'm hooked on black tea right now.