Mar 18, 2009 10:28
I had my interview this morning and it went very well. The only thing that threw me off a bit was that the Jacksonville administrator who was conferenced in asked me about unscheduled absences that occurred almost a year ago. I kind of snapped at him and said, "My grandmother had a stroke and I had serious medical problems that have since been resolved."
what do you say? Sorry, I was curled up in excrutiating abdominal pain because my stomach was bleeding!???
and there was another issue that I won't go into here, but I had every fucking right to be absent those days. Since July of last year, I have only missed a half day because I was PUKING. so what does it matter if I was out sick sometimes that freaking long ago? I guess it was the only bad thing he could find to ask me about, but it still irritated me. So I told him, "The two administrators here know me, but Mr. Conder, when our lead referee was out due to surgery I handled a lot of her responsibilities and even when she was here I assisted with training new referees. And I really enjoyed it." That seemed to make it all better.