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Oct 08, 2005 14:38

alright so i finally watched the first two episodes of the AMAZING RACE..the best show on earth, here is a breakdown on what i think of all the teams..if you dont watch that show you should do 2 things: stop reading this entry, and turn on the TV on tuesday at 8 pm

THE GAGHAN FAMILY:    (two little kids and their parents)  At first I thought they would be really annoying because they have two little rugrat brats running around thinking they know everything.  But the kids proved to be pretty damn smart and they havent done that bad so far.  Also, they are not getting in peoples ways, nor are they abnoxious........well see how that goes

THE SCHROEDER FAMILY:  (the dad stepmom and boy and girl)  They are not very annoying but there is something about them i just dont like.  The girl is weird and runs around everywhere with her purse, the boy is pretty cool but the dad is really annoying....and the stepmom....young and hot.....so the dad just divorced his wife and went for a piece of ass......hmmm ok

THE AIELLO FAMILY:  (the dad and son in laws)  they are one of my favorites so far...i also think their team is really cool.....a dad and all of his daughter's husbands...they are doing pretty well too

THE ROGERS FAMILY: (family from south)   their accent was VERY annoying and they were just eh.....but they are gone so no worries

THE BLACK FAMILY: (the african american family and kids)  yes i know what you are thinking....they are black? yes.   and their last name is black? yes, huh.......but o well they aer gone too

THE WEAVER FAMILY: (the widow and kids) they are so annoying there is something about them i just dont like....wow i say that about a lot of teams....the mom just sits there and prays to God..and the girls (who are not good looking) dress like sluts.....the boy is pretty cool and they are doing VERY well

THE LINZ FAMILY: (the siblings) they ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITES!! they remind me of kris and john a few seasons ago...they are just young and nice and funny.....there to have a good time, they dont get angry when they make mistakes which is a good thing because you dont want to look like complete losers on national TV, they are doing much better

THE BRANSEN FAMILY: (dad and daughters) the daughters are really pretty and fit, but the dad is weak...we will see how much he holds them back......they are also one of my favorites and they do well, they dont get all hyper or mad either

PAOLO FAMILY: (the dad mom and two boys) OH MY GOD....enough said, i hope they are gone ......FAST..they are incredibly annoying and all they do is fight

THE GODLEWSKI FAMILY: (the sisters) they are four blonds........all they do is scream about everything, i like their spirit...but if they want my support they need to take it down about 19 notches...they are doing well too

one of the new things about this season is that they are not doing much traveling out of the USA.....this might be because of all the little kids and the cost......one of the things i really like about the show is that you can take a virtual tour all over the world...but the race was mainly who got the best airline tickets....so im not really dissapointed

THE LEADERBOARD: (last week - this week)

1.   WEAVER (3-1)               5.  AIELLO (8-5)                  9.  ROGERS  (4- eliminated)
2.    LINZ (9-2)                       6.  BRANSEN  (7-6)            10.  BLACK (eliminated)
3.   GODLEWSKI (1-3)         7.  GAGHAN  (2-7)
4.  SCHROEDER  (5-4)         8.   PAOLO  (6-8)
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