What's on the needles this week?

Oct 13, 2013 09:24

So, I've been meaning to start a weekly post of "What's on (and off) the needles this week?" but Christmas is less than three months away, so what's going to be on the needles for the most part is Christmas gifts. Of course this means that I can't really say much about those items, without giving away the surprise, so until I'm done with Christmas knitting (which I hope will be before Thanksgiving), these posts are going to be a bit sparse.

What's on the needles:

A birthday gift for my brand new niece. I had hoped to have it finished before her arrival September 16th, but I needed to take a short break from it and work on something else before I went crazy, so I decided I would make sure to finish it in time to bring it with me when we visit Wisconsin this Thanksgiving. When it is finished, I will make sure to take pictures and once it is delivered, then I will make another post with the details of this awesome project.

I'm also hoping to bring the rest of the Christmas gifts with me as well, so I don't have to ship anything this year, so I have quite a bit to do still in the next six weeks... Maybe I can get one or two things in there for myself as well.

on the needles

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