Jun 12, 2011 21:14
Hey up...hows you all doing?
I haven't posted much lately but all I've really done is work and work again, but now I have some things to talk about...now that I know how interesting they will be for everyone else..
I've had 4 days off placement (Tuesday-Friday) and this is how I spent it...
Tuesday - Went to the friendship group at the place I used to volunteer whicg was nice. Then spent the afternoon with my sister and nephews, and went to my first Zumba class in the evening. Was fun...tiring but fun.
Wednesday - Had a stupidly early driving lesson (7am) and then went to Manchester to see Journey...which was also fun. While there my stepdads friend called to tell us about some last minute £20 take that tickets...so I got my younger sister to book some, and because she didn't read properly she booked them for saturday instead of friday....bit of a panic.
Thursday - Got up at 9.00 to phone to see if could change dates on tickets to friday, and thankfully the people were really nice (ticketline) and changed them for us...and even gave me £6 back as the booking fee had gone through wrong and I have been over charged. Then went to watch my nephews swimming lessons...oh and some revision for theory test. (Basically a quiet day.)
Friday - Got up to take theory test (which I passed, yeeey ^^) and then (finally) got to go see Take That XD I spent most of the day super excited and on the verge of exploding. There was lots of singing, dancing and shouting/screaming. Oh and a big robot. But I don't want to bore peoples with the full low down of what it was like (and I could go on for ages about it...)
Then from Saturday was back at work and things went back to normal...oh except being at home for weekend rather than Kel and Clares flat...which was really wierd..woke up today thinking it was tuesday for some reason...
But hey ho...thats my (possibly not particularly exciting for everyone else) week. But it deffinately better than the got up, went to placement, came home, had tea, went to bed weeks that I have had for a while.