Feb 01, 2006 23:09
so recently i began feeling some pain in my upper abdomen and lower chest. it scared me at first, but i waited till day 2 to go to the doctor. she told me that it coul dbe anything from a strained muscle to a heart problem, so they decided to give me a million tests - mono, diabetes, heart rhythm, chest xrays, pnemonia, kidney tests, and a blood clot test (there may have been more). thatw as yesterday. my doctor calls me tonight and she said everything came back negative except the blood clot test. she told me i had to stop what i was doing and go immediately to the emergency room. none the less this completely freaked me out. i went rigth the the ER and sat for two hours and then finally got in and had more tests run and my hand and arm veins pricked to pieces... only to find out that i am healthy except some minor immflamation of my chest wall which prolly not serious and will heal with rest and advil. bah. i was sooo scared omg. i've never had them tell me that something this serious could be wrong with me. but at least i am ok (well 99% sure that i am ok).