No, really, It's TRUE! season 1, epi 1

Jan 17, 2006 22:57

and have things improved any? Let's see:

wt: 248.50 lbs. that is plus 25 which I really didn't need. BP: 164/109 doctor's appointment is on Saturday. Chest still feels like an elephant is sitting on it, full physical 2 1/2 months ago was a clean bill of health, that included a chest x-ray. I feel numbness currently on my right side, but often on my left. Is it the stress in my muscles in my back?

My opinion, the stress is starting to wear me down enough to need a doctor. Solution: quit the second job. Problem: Second job is the reason I can go to the doctor in the first place so until I'm sure that lifestyle change is enough to make me feel better I have to keep the second job to pay for the doctor that hopefully I won't really need.

Oh, and on the other job front. No word yet and I was just a few steps away from being able to almost afford to take matters in to my own hands until I Gosh it sucks to love your insane family.
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