Actually, they got it pretty right, except for all the custom leather

May 29, 2008 12:48

So I’ve been thinking about this since the season three finale of SPN, and I’m sure other people have, but I come bearing sick visual aids *ev0l grin*

I am unsure whether to cut for spoilers or not, as it's been two weeks so COME ON catch up. So I'm gonna be anal and annoying and cut words which some people might consider spoilery, and I'll cut for length too.

OK Dean in hell? SO influenced by Clive Barker and his twisted twisted mind. I ADORE Barker, did my thesis on him - particularly his use of sex and violence in horror, but that’s beside the point. The guy can only be described as having a twisted and freakish mind, and I love him for it. I just wish he would get back to writing horror. GOOD horror, I should add.

ANYWAY, there’s just something that reminded me of Barker, specifically a trope he tends to use a lot - hell and chains.

His film Hellraiser was about sadomasochism - there’s a puzzle box that’s said when opened transports you to a place of ultimate pleasure, or something like that. But people’s definition of pleasure differs, and the box actually opens onto a hell dimension where pleasure is derived from pain through torture, fear and mutilation. Lovely right?

In the opening of the film, we see the character of Frank finally discovering how to ‘solve’ the puzzle box. But when it’s opened, the demons from that dimension (the Cenobites) come in, custom leather and mutilated bodies and all. Hooked chains come flying out of nowhere and dig into Frank’s flesh, hauling him up and suspending him. Now, the special effects are atrocious, and I’m sure if it’s re-made now it’ll be done much better, but it was the ‘80s and you get the gist.

Warning: contains crap special effects, fake blood, bad horror and gratuitious inclusion of Cenobites, so only press play if you want a terrible visual aid

Barker seems to have a thing for chains and hellish things, which can also be seen in his line of action figures he made with McFarlane Toys. I was going to add some pics in here of the figures, but they are seriously twisted and I thought I’d give those of you who have don’t like horror and ickity ick fucked-up shit the option of scarring yourselves for life and giving you nightmares. SO clicky the links and see the figures!

Clive Barker’s Tortured Souls
The figures of Agonistes, The Scythe-Meister, Talisac and Venal Anatomica utilise chains, hooks and suspension in some cases.

Clive Barker’s Tortured Souls 2
Here, Zain and Moribundi utilise the same.

Clive Barker’s The Infernal Parade
And here, to a lesser extent, Tom Requiem.

I know, they’re not exactly the same LOL, but these images are what I was thinking about when I saw Dean in chains and hooks, dangling in hell. Ruby wasn't exactly lying was she! Thought I’d share :D

clive barker, supernatural, seaon finale ponderings

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